Search Result For "haemostatics"
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Generic Name : Octocog alfa
Indication : Treatment & prophylaxis of bleeding in patients w/ haemophilia A (congenital factor VIII deficiency). Not indicated in von Willebrand's disease.
Manufacturer : Takeda
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
MIMS Class : Haemostatics
Generic Name : rurioctocog alfa pegol
Indication : Treatment, control & prophylaxis of bleeding episodes; peri-op management in childn & adults w/ hemophilia A. Not indicated in von Willebrand's disease.
Manufacturer : Takeda
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
MIMS Class : Haemostatics
Generic Name : lonoctocog alfa
Indication : Control, routine & peri-op prophylaxis of bleeding episodes in adults & ped w/ hemophilia A (congenital factor VIII deficiency).
Manufacturer : CSL Behring
Distributor : DKSH
MIMS Class : Haemostatics
Indication : Prevention & control of bleeding in factor VIII deficiency due to haemophilia A or acquired factor VIII deficiency. Surgical &/or invasive procedure in von Willebrand disease.
Manufacturer : Grifols
Distributor : DKSH
MIMS Class : Haemostatics
Generic Name : Factor IX
Indication : Prevention & control of bleeding in patients w/ factor IX deficiency due to haemophilia B.
Manufacturer : Grifols
Distributor : DKSH
MIMS Class : Haemostatics
Generic Name : aprotinin + calcium chloride + human fibrinogen + , ...more
Indication : Tissue glue to adhere/seal SC tissue in plastic, reconstructive & burn surgery, as a replacement or an adjunct to sutures or staples.
Manufacturer : Baxter
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
MIMS Class : Haemostatics
Generic Name : nonacog alfa
Indication : Control & prevention of hemorrhagic episodes & for routine prophylaxis in patients w/ hemophilia B (congenital factor IX deficiency or Christmas disease) including control & prevention of ...
Manufacturer : Pfizer
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
MIMS Class : Haemostatics
Generic Name : anti-inhibitor coagulant complex
Indication : Treatment & prophylaxis of hemorrhage in hemophilia A, B & non-hemophilic patients w/ inhibitors to factor VIII, IX & XI.
Manufacturer : Takeda
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
MIMS Class : Haemostatics

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